Category Archives: Advanced

The Price of a Smile


Click Here and…
Watch the video and then choose the correct answer for the following questions.

This Quiz created by Nina Christou

Firefighter had a problem


1. Play and Learn with the Words




2. Can you put the sentences in the right order?


I set fire to the rain

Listen to this and fill in the blanks

Eagle vs hare


Quiz created by Miss Sophia Agoritsa

Listening Comprehension Quiz

Rebranding Greece


Quiz created by Miss Vicky Kirtsidou


Lord of the Rings – The Two Towers


Many thanks go to excelixisinenglish – Balla Dora for donating these quiz questions!

Listen carefully and complete the gaps with the correct word!

Keep Walking Greece


Can you put the sentences in the right order?




Many thanks go to Sylvia Guinan for donating these quiz questions!

Listen and choose the correct answer

Silent Love Affair’ ~ Attica Tek

Many thanks to Attica Tek – 'English Teacher in Athens for donating this poem

Fill in the Gaps Quiz 2 | Fill in the Gaps Quiz 2

Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the ring trailer!


Many thanks go to excelixisinenglish – Balla Dora for donating these quiz questions!

Listen and complete the gaps with the correct word.